Cleansing milk and thermal tonic, two inseparable products, available with an unmissable offer.
Bionatural Ischia: Preziosa emulsione formulata con bava di lumaca, acqua termale ed estratto di alga posidonia in ...
Bionatural Ischia: Preziosa emulsione formulata con collagene ed elastina, estratti biologici di amamelide e mirtillo ...
Crema dalla texture morbida e leggera per la pelle del viso che idrata, nutre e rende elastici i tessuti conferendo ...
Pain-relieving thermal cream based on arnica and devil's claw which relieves muscle tension, stiffness and pain
After cleansing the skin with Milk and Toner or Shower Gel & Shampoo, spread a thin layer of cream on the face and neck ...
Bandages with cooling effect for legs and feet