Rione De Gasperi, 1980074 Casamicciola Terme (NA)
T. +39 0813334737 - 0814972111
Fax +39 0813334715
Biscotti al Limone
Aromatic Preparation for Ischitana Rabbit
Precious bitter obtained from the infusion of oranges from the island with a strong and intense flavor
100% pure preparation to season your dishes
Offer 3x Garlic Oil & Chilli
Precious liqueur made from the infusion of wild Portulaca herb
Artisanal preparation to season your dishes. 100% pure
100% pure artisan preparation to flavor your dishes
Offer 2x Flavors for fish gr. 100
Prodotto esclusivamente con limoni non trattati dell' isola d'Ischia
Artisanal orange biscuits