Rione De Gasperi, 1980074 Casamicciola Terme (NA)
T. +39 0813334737 - 0814972111
Fax +39 0813334715
La confezione contiene 1 tanica da 3 litri Prodotto ed imbottigliato dall’ Azienda Agricola Ruffano S.s.a.
The pack contains 3 bottles of 0.75cl
Soft lemon peels covered with fine dark chocolate
Soft lemon and orange peels covered in sugar
Soft orange peel covered with fine dark chocolate
Soft lemon and orange peels covered with fine dark chocolate
Flavored risotto handcrafted ready in just 15 min. Tasty and genuine
Handmade risotto ready in just 15 min. Tasty and genuine