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  • Italiano (Italia)


Ischian Amarancio 70 cl

High-quality bitter obtained from the infusion of oranges of the island with a strong and intense taste

Pistachio Cream "Ischitane" 70 cl

"Ischitane" Pistachio Cream 70 cl

A' Piperna by Scapriccio - 50cl

Piperna - Bottle of 50cl

Marenero alla liquirizia 50cl

Liquore artigianale di liquirizia

"Ischitane" limoncello cream

Exquisite and refreshing limoncello cream

"Ischitane" Peach Cream

Peach cream handcrafted with the best selected peaches

Rocket liqueur - 50cl bottle

Rocket liqueur - 50cl bottle

Melon cream - 70cl

Melon cream - Bottle of 70cl



Cuore Verde cl 70

Obtained only from strictly selected raw materials according to criteria of excellence, we love this cream for its ...

Le Bontà D'Ischia 10 cl

Le Bontà D'Ischia 10 cl

Ischitane Coffee Cream

Coffee cream produced by hand with all the aroma of Neapolitan coffee

Pistachio Cream 50 cl

Pistachio cream handcrafted with the best selected pistachios

Limoncello Limonì 50 cl

Limoncello Limonì 50 cl

Rucolì amaro di rucola selvatica from Ischia 50cl

Famous bitter wild rocket typical of the Island of Ischia 50 cl