50 ml Vase Non-oily, highly moisturizing cream, specifically formulated for dry and dehydrated skin, sensitive or ...
250 ml PET bottle Water-free, alcohol-free lotion, suitable for all skin types. Eliminates any makeup remnants and ...
O l i o v i s o i n t e n s i v o a d a z i o n e anti-age che aiuta a conservare la levigatezza e la compattezza d e l ...
Bionatural Ischia: Preziosa emulsione formulata con collagene ed elastina, estratti biologici di amamelide e mirtillo ...
Bionatural Ischia: Preziosa emulsione formulata con bava di lumaca, acqua termale ed estratto di alga posidonia in ...
A delicate after-shave cream enriched with valid elements that purify, nourish and hydrate the skin
It prevents and counteracts the imperfections of cellulite
Indicated in the massage, it performs a draining action and fights the relaxation of the tissues
Indicated for massage, it performs a draining action and fights the relaxation of the tissues