Bionatural Ischia: Preziosa emulsione formulata con bava di lumaca, acqua termale ed estratto di alga posidonia in ...
Bionatural Ischia: Preziosa emulsione formulata con collagene ed elastina, estratti biologici di amamelide e mirtillo ...
Eau de Ischia “citrus fruits scent” - bottle of 100 ml
250 ml tube. The volcanic clay and the thermal water of Ischia Thermae give rise to this Thermal Mud that produces ...
Apply every day, morning and evening, after cleansing, with circular movements of the fingers until completely ...
Face cream, daily anti-aging ritual for a more beautiful, luminous and young skin. It gives an immediate sensation of ...
O l i o v i s o i n t e n s i v o a d a z i o n e anti-age che aiuta a conservare la levigatezza e la compattezza d e l ...
This cream is optimal not only to fight the effects of aging, but it also regenerates, revitalizes, brightens, ...
Nourishes, regenerates, and hydrates the skin