Rione De Gasperi, 1980074 Casamicciola Terme (NA)
T. +39 0813334737 - 0814972111
Fax +39 0813334715
Delizioso torrone morbido artigianale al limone e pistacchio
Delicious soft artisan nougat with lemon and almonds
Delicious soft artisan nougat with figs and almonds
Nougat with citrus and almonds
Soft gummy candies covered with ginger and lemon flavored sugar
Delicious fruit gummy candies
Soft fruit candies "Gli Spicchietti" 200 gr
Delicious soft licorice candies
Nourishes, regenerates, and hydrates the skin
Cream specifically suitable for chapped hands thanks to its very delicate texture
Lemon chocolates filled with lemon cream.
For a slimming, re modelling and draining action.
For a luminous skin