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Crema di Liquirizia

Crema a base di liquirizia

Crema di Limoncello "Ischitane" 10 cl

Crema di limoncello prodotta con i migliori limoni veraci non trattati dell' isola d'Ischia

Crema corpo al mosto d'uva

Bionatural Ischia: Crema per il corpo al profumo di mosto d'uva.

Crema 24h collagene ed elastina

Bionatural Ischia: Preziosa emulsione formulata con collagene ed elastina, estratti biologici di amamelide e mirtillo ...

Crema 24h bava di lumaca e poseidonia

Bionatural Ischia: Preziosa emulsione formulata con bava di lumaca, acqua termale ed estratto di alga posidonia in ...

Crateca Rosso

Obtained from blends of Guarnaccia, Piedirosso and Aglianico, the wine, with a warm and pleasant drink, is an exemplary ...

Product Available Date: 2025-04-18

Crateca Rosato

It is obtained from Aglianico grapes by light pressing, with an inviting and graceful drink, it is an unprecedented and ...

Crateca Crastula

The powerful and elegant drink of this wine represents its distinctive and seductive trait, a sublime expression of a ...

Product Available Date: 2025-04-18

Crateca Biancolella

The wine is a refined and exclusive interpretation of the Biancolella grape produced on volcanic land cooled by the sea ...

Product Available Date: 2025-04-01

Crateca Bianco

Crateca bianco is the result of a blend of biancolella and forastera with a wise and thoughtful addition of fiano and ...

Coral horn-shaped pendant 2nd measure with silver chain

Red coral horn-shaped pendant with silver chain and silver 925 necklace rhodium, model “diamond ball”.

Coral horn shaped pendant 3rd measure with rubber necklace

Coral horn shaped pendant 3rd measure with rubber necklace

Confetti with wild berries

Delicate and soft almond confetti with berries

Confetti with watermelon 100 gr

Delicate and soft almond confetti with watermelon flavor

Confetti with profiterole

Delicate and soft almond confetti with a profiterole flavor

Confetti with fig 100 gr

Delicate and soft almond confetti with figs

Confetti with babà 100 gr

Delicati e morbidi confetti di mandorla al gusto del babà napoletano

Confetti ricoperti di cioccolato al cocco "Perle d'Ischia" 100gr

Deliziosi confetti alla mandorla ricoperti di cioccolato al cocco

Confetti covered with coconut chocolate "Perle d'Ischia"

Delicious almond confetti coated with coconut chocolate

Colatura di alici di Cetara

Colatura di alici di Cetara da 100 ml

Coconut and lemon biscuits "Il Biscottino"

Mandarin cookies "Il Biscottino"

Coconut and lemon biscuits "Il Biscottino"

Mandarin cookies "Il Biscottino"

Clementine marmalade 350 gr

Clementine marmalade from the island of Ischia

Cleasing face mousse - bottle of 200ml

Cleanses and moisturises skin thoroughly, leaving it soft

Cleansing milk and thermal tonic

Cleansing milk and thermal tonic, two inseparable products, available with an unmissable offer.

Cleansing milk and thermal tonic

Cleansing milk and thermal tonic, two inseparable products, available with an unmissable offer.

Cleansing Milk 200ml

Cleansing milk for all skin types.

Cleansing milk - bottle of 200ml

Cleans and adds elasticity to skin

Citrus peel with chocolate

Soft lemon and orange peels covered with fine dark chocolate