La confezione contiene 1 tanica da 3 litri Prodotto ed imbottigliato dall’ Azienda Agricola Ruffano S.s.a.
Oil obtained from olives harvested and ground in Italy, of superior category obtained directly from olives and solely ...
Oil obtained from olives harvested and ground in Italy, of superior category obtained directly from olives and solely ...
Oil obtained from olives harvested and ground in Italy, of superior category obtained directly from olives and solely ...
Oil obtained from olives harvested and ground in Italy, of superior category obtained directly from olives and solely ...
Oil obtained from olives harvested and ground in Italy, of superior category obtained directly from olives and solely ...
Oil obtained from olives harvested and ground in Italy, of superior category obtained directly from olives and solely ...
Panettone completely handcrafted with apricots of the vesuvio
The special Neapolitan pastiera, classic recipe. Size about 28 cm in diameter and 2.0 Kg in weight.
The special Neapolitan typical Pastiera, classic recipe. Dimensions about 26 cm in diameter and 1.5 kg in net weight.
The special Neapolitan typical Pastiera, classic recipe. Dimensions about 24 cm in diameter and 1.0 kg in weight.
The special Lemon caprese with only lemons of the island of Ischia. Dimensions about 30 cm in diameter and 1.8 kg in ...