La confezione contiene 1 tanica da 3 litri Prodotto ed imbottigliato dall’ Azienda Agricola Ruffano S.s.a.
O l i o v i s o i n t e n s i v o a d a z i o n e anti-age che aiuta a conservare la levigatezza e la compattezza d e l ...
The package contains 230 grams of olives in brine Produced and packaged by the Ruffano S.s.a.
Indicated for massage, it performs a draining action and fights the relaxation of the tissues
The package contains 110 grams of oregano Produced and packaged by the Ruffano S.s.a.
La confezione contiene 1 tanica da 3 litri Prodotto ed imbottigliato dall’ Azienda Agricola Ruffano S.s.a.
O l i o v i s o i n t e n s i v o a d a z i o n e anti-age che aiuta a conservare la levigatezza e la compattezza d e l ...
The package contains 230 grams of olives in brine Produced and packaged by the Ruffano S.s.a.
Indicated for massage, it performs a draining action and fights the relaxation of the tissues
The package contains 110 grams of oregano Produced and packaged by the Ruffano S.s.a.