I come from Naples and in 1968 I was 18 years old. They say I am a "creative", but in reality, no one literally "creates"; at most, we use and rework elements that have already been created, such as clays, metals, minerals, sounds, words, or other materials.

I am fortunate to do for a living what I would happily do for pleasure: cultivating the land, shaping it, sculpting, coloring, writing, canoeing, windsurfing, teaching, and traveling for both pleasure and work, mostly today in Peru, yesterday in Africa and Russia.

I have published five works of fiction and have some of my pieces in the USA, mainly in Philadelphia, where I exhibited one of my works. The portrait of the poet Anna Akhmatova is in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, and a 20-square-meter iron sculpture is at the Moscow Academy of Landscape Architecture.

Paolo May

Field of Poppies

"Red Poppies, Ceramic on Wood – A Work by Paolo May"

Moonlit Night Over the Sea

"Moonlit Night Over the Sea, Ceramic on Wood – A Work by Paolo May"

Stella di Natale

Ceramic on wood.

Stormy Sea

"Stormy Sea" - Ceramic on Wood Artwork– A Work by Paolo May